The “view” page for each item on JSTOR provides many ways to explore the full-text content. These features are available for all types of content on JSTOR:
Evaluating relevance: Items located by searching JSTOR will include an option to view a list of search term occurrences at the top of the article page image. This enables you to jump to the pages to see your search terms in context.
Reading the content: For all articles, ebook chapters, and pamphlets, researchers may choose to read or browse the item online, get pre-formatted citations, or immediately download a PDF copy.
More searching options: Depending on the format of the items you are viewing, the Basic Search box at the top of the screen enables searching within the journal or journal issue (for articles), book (for book chapters), pamphlet collection (for pamphlets), or running a new search across all content (all formats).
Citations: Citations may be emailed, exported, or copied from the item view page. JSTOR provides pre-formatted citations in MLA, APA, and Chicago styles for quick copying and pasting. Export options include direct export to RefWorks, RIS format, and text format.
Stable URL: The stable URL listed with the item citation is the best URL to use when linking to content from library and course web pages.
Format-specific features:
Journal articles
Pamphlets are formatted in the same ways as journal articles and ebooks, and may be read online or downloaded in PDF format. Be aware that some pamphlets are quite long (50+ pages).